Milan Polytechnic University
The Lecco Territorial Pole develops research and teaching activities in the field of first- and second-level university education, consistent with the activities proposed in the project.

Our laboratories

The planets and their orbits are also subject to this force, which is both powerful and mysterious, as you’ll discover when following these lessons.

the sight of a starry sky astonishes us. Today we have instruments to deeply scan celestial objects. - Mars between science and culture

After an introduction devoted to the myth of the Martians and its origin, Mars will be described from a more scientific point of view. Robotic exploration, search for life forms and colonization projects.
Partner's thematic expertise and experience with respect to the project scope
The Lecco Territorial Pole develops research and teaching activities in the field of education
undergraduate and graduate university, consistent with the activities proposed in the project.
In the area of research, a research unit is active in several European projects,
participates in the development of advanced measurement systems that have been installed aboard many
of the probes launched in recent years by the European Space Agency (ESA). The contents of these developments
scientific can enter as teaching content in the training and dissemination activities
of the project. In teaching, the Lecco Pole develops a wide range of educational offerings in the area of
engineering and architecture by proposing courses with content consistent with the project
with special reference to mechanics, automation and measurement. The experiences
are demonstrated by participation in various projects, including Interreg, having as content
qualifying the development of content and educational pathways in the area of tourism enhancement
of the territory (Pian dei Resinelli Mines).
Skills and experience in European territorial cooperation.
The Lecco territorial pole of the Milan Polytechnic has participated in projects under the
Interreg Italy-Switzerland Cross-Border Cooperation Operational Program 2007-2013:
as the lead partner with the project "A.C.C.I.DE.N.T. Advanced Cementitious Composites In Design.
and construction of safe Tunnel"; as a partner in the projects "M.I.A.R.I.A. Monitoring
Adaptive Hydrogeological in Support of the Integrated Alpine Risk Plan" and "B.I.S.F. Business and
Innovation Without Borders." The regional project "Development of coordinated actions" is also mentioned.
and integrated aimed at rehabilitating and securing disused mining areas" in that,
on par with this project, a major enhancement action was required, including from the point of
from a tourism perspective, of the area.
Advantages for the Partner in participating in the project
Use of the new Observatory-Planetarium for students' extra-university activities both local
and foreign students, as an experimental laboratory for conducting exercises/labs
Innovative in both basic (physics, mechanics ...) and specialized courses
(advanced measurements); - Use of experimental data acquired during these workshops in the context of
Of specific teaching units to be used in the classroom with students; - Participation of students /
undergraduates to international comet and asteroid monitoring programs active at
the observatory in cooperation with astrophiles working in the facility; - develop activities
innovative didactics that can be used both to supplement the content of some courses
Than as an integrative proposal for students' education. - Develop synergies with the
"Innovative Teaching" project just launched by the university; - Outreach activities held at
the new facility (to the public, basic and secondary school students) as a means of
Transfer information about the Pole's activities to the local area.